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à•z Ü‚肽‚½‚Ý ƒŒƒfƒB[ƒX ƒuƒ‰ƒ"ƒh

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Aug 04, 18 · Transcript Ex 31, 7 (a) Find x y zGiven, ∠PAR = x ∠BAC = 90° ∠ABC = 30° ∠ABQ = Z ∠BCR = y PAB is a line ∠PAR ∠BAC = 180° x 90° = 180° x = 180° − 90° x = 90° QBC is a line ∠ABQ ∠ABC = 180° z 30° = 180° z = 180° − 30° z = 150° In ∆ ABC Sum of the angles = 180° ∠BAC ∠ABC ∠ACB = 180° 90° 30° ∠1 = 180° 1° ∠1 = 180B T h $ ë Â b h î ì î í × þ r { ï p ñ m l i b } Í r ³ b h $ ³ × b h » Ã { r ñ b ¢ þ Y Æ f À { À Æ Â h ;∂z/ ∂s , ∂z /∂t , ∂z/ ∂u when s = 2, t = 4, u = 5 Expert Answer Previous question Next question Get more help from Chegg Solve it with our calculus problem solver and calculator

Z = x4 x2y, x = s 2t − u, y = stu2;&rqyhqlhqfh 7udqvodwlrq lqwr (qjolvk iurp wkh 2uljlqdo 3uhylrxvo\ ,vvxhg lq 3ruwxjxhvh t '^ x x / v À µ o v } v } o & v v o^ u v ( } z z22 FUNCTIONS 30 bijection, if it is onetoone and onto (fig 213)For instance, f(x) = x3 from Z to Z is a bijection A B Figure 213 Bijection 224 Identity Function Given a set A, the function 1A A → A defined by 1A(x) = x for every x in A is called the identity function for A 225 Function Composition Given two functions f A → B and g B → C, the composite function

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Let v = (x,y,z,w) ∈ R Then v = (x,y,z,y z −x)(0,0,0,w −y −z x) ∈ U R(0,0,0,1) Next, we check that U∩R(0,0,0,1) = {0} Suppose that u belongs to the intersection Then u = (0,0,0,a) ∈ U for some a ∈ R Thus 0a = 00, whence a = 0 So u = 0 is the only vector that belongs to the intersection//value of x will be 6 after it assigns value of z to be 10 Arif 0226 PM this answer 10 this progaram is using the operaters so operater in *,/,,_ on alpbet order PRAKASHk 1132 (c) Find the value of in the form a bi, where a and b are to be determined exactly in radical (surd) form Hence or otherwise find the exact values of cos and sin



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